
Infopoint Chiavenna

23022 - Chiavenna (SO) Piazza Caduti della libertà, 3
T 0343 37485

Bis 31. März 2025
Montag bis Freitag: 9:00-12:40 e 14:00-18:00
Samstag: 9:00-12:40 e 14-18:50
Sonntag: geschlossen


Infopoint Madesimo

23022 - Madesimo (SO) Via alle Scuole
T 0343 53015

Täglich geöffnet: 9.00-12.30 / 15.00-18.00.


Infopoint Campodolcino

23022 - Campodolcino (SO) Via D.R. Ballerini, 2
T 0343 50611

Montag, Mittwoch e Sonntag: 9-12.30 
Freitag: 15.00-18.00
Samstag: 9-12.30, 15.00-18.00
Diestag und Donnerstag: geshlossen


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Das Valchiavenna im Winter

Skiarea Valchiavenna Madesimo Campodolcino

Bollettino valanghe Lombardia
Istituto svizzero valanghe SLF 

Sky Express Zeitplan


Blossom Skis La Sosta - Chiavenna
T:+39 0343 36723
Effe Tre Sport - Chiavenna
T: +39 0343 34619
Buzzetti Sport - Campodolcino
T: +39 0343 760569

Pedro Ski rent & coffee - Campodolcino
M: +39 3518977970

Pedro Ski rent & depot - Motta
M: +39 3518977970

Buzzetti Sport - Madesimo
T: +39 0343 53698
Powder - Madesimo
M: +39 334 7175725

Pedro Ski center - Madesimo 
M:+39 347 8941086


Skischulen Buchungen
Giovannoni Roberto 
M:+39 335 258462

Nicola Ciapponi
M: +39 347 1658505


Ciaspolando e cenando tra le stelle

Volete provare un´esperienza unica e suggestiva?
Un´escursione serale, accompagnati da esperti professionisti, che vi guideranno attraverso una natura avvolta nel candido manto invernale, osservando la volta celeste.
Sarà l´occasione per imparare il corretto utilizzo delle ciaspole, scoprire come cambia il paesaggio dopo il tramonto e quali accorgimenti seguire grazie ai consigli della Guida Alpina.
Potrete vedere, senza l´inquinamento luminoso della città, quali meraviglie offre il cielo in varie occasioni, dalla emozionante luna piena, alle notti senza luna dove è possibile vedere persino le nebulose, l´astronomo Andrea Grassi vi incanterà con le sue ...

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Skialp Valchiavenna

Skialp Valchiavenna initiative is a project entirely dedicated to ski mountaineering enthusiasts.
There are two routes:
1) ‘SkiAlp by Night’ every Wednesday evening from 08/01 to ...

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Treno della neve inverno 2024-25

Tornano i Treni della Neve: le speciali offerte treno + navetta + skipass dedicate a chi vuole trascorrere una o più giornate di sport e divertimento in montagnalesen sie mehr]

Sci Notturno
Immergiti, al crepuscolo, nella natura incontaminata.   Per coloro a cui non basta sciare di giorno ma desiderano continuare oltre il tramonto, abbiamo organizzato alcune serate dedicate, con piste illuminate artificialmente, preparate appositamente per la discesa serale.   Sciare in notturna è ...
Stagionale provinciale Ragazzi 2024 2025
Stagionale Provinciale Ragazzi 2024/2025 promosso da B.I.M. dell’Adda in collaborazione con Skiarea Valchiavenna dal 1 ottobre al 15 novembre   Anche per la stagione invernale 2024/2025 i ragazzi residenti in Valchiavenna potranno acquistare lo skipass stagionale provinciale ad un prezzo ...
90 years of snow
Surfing on the snow, letting the wind carry you towards the horizon. This is the essence of snowkiting….” A winter discipline that combines skiing, snowboarding and kite surfing. The outstanding sensation you get when practising it is that of absolute freedom, experiencing the mountains in a completely ...
Per gli amanti della neve, esploratori dell´alta montagna e appassionati degli sport invernali Powder Ski Rent è la destinazione perfetta per chi cerca un´esperienza unica sulla neve. Noleggio sci, snowboard, materiale per alpinismo, split board, scisnow, freeride. Maestro di snowboard. Noleggio ...
All the joys of cross country
No question. Cross country skiing is good for you. Practised outdoors in wonderful settings it’s an ideal activity health-wise. The discipline requires a constant effort over time and brings significant benefits. Practised either at high intensity or a more measured pace brings out the maximum potential and ...
Madesimo something for all tastes
Breakfast, lunch, aperitif: endless possibilities when taking to the piste of the Valchiavenna skiarea. Throughout the entire territory there are ample opportunities in any of the many refreshment spots to enjoy local specialities like pizzoccheri, bresaola and local chefs’ traditional delicacies, not to mention ...
Ski Mountaineering Homeland Montespluga
THE MAGIC IS BACK! To feel at home in an environment that is anything but home is something you might experience very rarely indeed. And getting about with a freedom in unspoiled territory might be even rarer. And perhaps the best way to achieve this is under your own steam. This is the very basis on which the ...
Ice Skating in Chiavenna
Fancy getting back on the ice? Look no further than Chiavenna’s magnificent sports centre. Winter’s well on the way and with it the skating rink near Pratogiano has burst back onto the scene. Great news for beginners and experts alike. The covered facility ...
Ice skating dancing on ice
Among the many changes that Autumn brings with it, the drop in temperatures is an inevitable one. Of course this is a genuinely attractive proposition for lovers of ice skating and the many associated disciplines. The joy of donning a pair of skates and pushing off serenely onto an icy surface is a uniquely shared ...
Una nuova maniera di intendere la montagna! Homeland Montespluga è una realtà che intende avvicinare le persone alla pratica dello skialp o dello splitboard, così come offrire servizi e momenti di formazione a coloro che già conoscono queste discipline. Il tutto nell’area alpina, ...
Ski Zone Madesimo Campodolcino Valchiavenna
Mehr Schnee, näher und nie mehr lange Wartezeiten. Neue Pisten, neue schnelle Skianlagen. Die Skizone Madesimo Valchiavenna befindet sich nur 138 Kilometer von Mailand entfernt, ganz in der Nähe der Schweizer Grenze. Die Skizone liegt auf 1550 Meter Höhe und erreicht mit den Seilbahnanlagen die Höhe von 2948 ...
An enduring romance
An enduring romance    With its impressive history and commitment to quality over the years it’s no surprise that even that most influential of English newspapers The Guardian has pointed up our local Alpine resort as amongst the most inviting on an international scale, and especially for the optimum relationship ...
Fresh air and snow
Winter, and the purest of whites that never ceases to make you gasp.   And here in Madesimo it&´s possible to enjoy it all to the full,experimenting with a full range of activities for all ages and physical shape. From off-piste skiing, or long walks in snow-clad woodland, even ice-climbing, in Valle Spluga the ...
A veritablemonument
Photo and text by Enrico Minotti   A steady climb on snowshoes in a highly original experience immersing the hiker in a magicalsetting.    Let me start by saying: the winter outing towards Lendine that I&´m pointing up in these pages is not for everyone. The key problem at this time of the ...
Maloja snowy paradise
For lovers of the snow Maloja is the perfect winter destination in Val Bregaglia , and the gateway to the magnificent upper Engadine ski area and offers all winter sports enthusiasts an infinite number of possibilities.   CROSS COUNTRY SKIING Maloja and the upper Engadine region, with more than 200 km of ...
Within nature itself
Cross-country skiing is a fine alternative to the on-piste action, and an excellent opportunity to maintain your fitness. Cycling and running might not have such appeal during the winter months but heading off along trails on narrow skis remains open to all. But it is worth doing a little physical preparation first – ...
Outings on snow racquets at Madesimo
SNOW RACQUET TRAILS AROUND MADESIMO   Starting point: on the pathway which runs alongside the river, from the wooden bridge in front of the residence “Alla Gran Baita” Arrival point: Via Brenta Itinerary: the route moves up gradually from the centre of Madesimo to the Alpe Andossi, initially into woodland, before ...
Bondeno or bust on snow racquets
There are countless trails for hikers throughout Valle Spluga all year round, whether for the casual excursionist or indeed the connoisseur. Anyone in search of broader horizons and moments of quiet reflection away from the mayhem of the city will not be disappointed here, immersed within the extraordinary silence ...
On snow racquets
ISOLA – VAL FEBBRARO – BORGHETT O One of the most memorable outings on snow rackets has to be that which takes in Val Febbraro with its highly evocative corners. There’s tranquillity, time for contemplation but within the silence of all things natural it boasts a wealth of culture and history. There are a range ...
Chilll out: freetouring
Freetouring per Altitude Collective epitomises freedom and a sense of harmony with the mountains. And for ardent fans of this rather special activity, here are two itineraries on which you can appreciate all the magic. Lago della Val di Lei: You’ll be well aware of photos taken in the far north of Europe of immaculate ...
Out and about on snowshoes
Above Verceia, the Valle dei Ratti hosts a plethora of opportuities to practice this splendid sport, within a silent Nature, muffled by significant snowfalls. Here’s our proposal. Expect a winter experience both original and full of emotion. The ascent using snowshoes to the Bivacco Primalpia is a seasonal ...
An inspiring nature
There is nothing more enjoyable than spending a few hours in complete freedom in the mountains, breathing in deeply the freshest of winter airs. There are those who prefer to head off on foot, or snow racquet and others, naturally enough, choose not to put away their two wheels for the cold season. And for the latter, ...
Ski mountainering at Montespluga
More and more athletes are turning to ski mountaineering to get their kicks! Among the numerous upper regions of Valchiavenna that attract a committed group of enthusiasts every springtime, the magnificent peaks that surround Montespluga prove irresistible year on year. The village is the perfect setting out point for ...
Nella neve con le guide
Scoprite con noi la magia del paesaggio invernale della Valchiavenna e della Val Bregaglia. .. la Guida Alpina vive il territorio e ne conosce gli angoli e gli aspetti piu´ suggestivi.  Vi porteremo ad esplorare boschi...radure...laghi ed alpeggi di particolare fascino e bellezza, spaziando dalla Bassa ...
Snowmobile excursion
Your english correspondent writing here never ceases to be amazed at the possibilities each new winter season throws up for visitors to Madesimo. Naturally there are the classic outings on snow racquets, long descents on the fantastic slopes within the vast Skiarea, but if the winter ‘faithful’ look a little further ...
Simply sensational: ice climbing
Perhaps the most striking natural phenomenon I’ve ever witnessed was on a frozen waterfall during a desperate January with the most extraordinary ‘lion’ sculpture dominating all below. A splendid example of frozen water creating its very own art form. I wasn’t tempted to climb up and say hello, but here’s someone who ...
Winter in Maloja
An altitude of 1,800m guarantees the Maloja region abundant snow throughout the winter season. Anyone who craves absolute peace and tranquillity at the very heart of Nature should grab their snowshoes and head off into the wide outdoors. The route from Maloja to Cavloc, recently flagged up by Bregaglia Turismo, is an ...
Winter destination: Lendine
From the point of view of an excursion, Alpe di Lendine is regarded as a captivating prospect, a rare beauty. Particularly in wintertime. Rooftops of the little mountain dwellings covered in a thick white mantle present a delightful scenario, with the peaks above completely dominant and the pass inviting you over to ...
Un and away in Valle Spluga
The abundance of snow this year has created the perfect conditions for all those who love strapping on the skins and heading onwards and upwards.  Valle Spluga in springtime is the ideal venue and provides excellent sporting opportunities. With such a thick blanket of snow deposited on the ...
Andossi by Snow Racquet
Foto: Roberto Moiola Valle Spluga presents a whole host of possible outings on snow racquet. Silence within larch woodland or moving along the mountain slopes at 2000m: anyone who enjoys getting out and about at the very heart of nature is simply spoilt for choice. The area around Andossi is one of the most ...
Hardy perennials
In line for the chairlift you might catch their eye. Some might appear pensive, others - perhaps more expansive - respond with a smile or even a joke. However all are focused, and ready to guarantee each and every skier’s safety and the impeccable maintenance of the slopes, whilst providing assistance to anyone in ...
Siete amanti del kitesurf non volete lasciare l´aquilone appeso al chiodo fino alla prossima stagione estiva? Vi siete stancati delle code domenicali alle funivie o alle seggiovie delle skiaree? Non avete voglia di camminare tante ore per poi godervi un´emozionante ma unica discesa in fuoripista? Per ...
The Groppera cable car
Fully 55 years after its very first trip, the second section of the cable car continues to offer up striking views of the peaks overlooking the Rhine valley. Yes indeed, it was back in 1964 at Madesimo that the Groppera Cable Car was inaugurated. Those who were around would remember them to be times of great dynamism, ...
The fantastic 4
Four brothers living and working in Madesimo, all qualified ski instructors who have grown up with the snow serving almost as their daily bread. Still together today and united by a common passion for skiing and the mountains. This is their story.   That short introduction should be enough to sum up the essence of ...
Safety the altitude factor
By Roberto Giovannoni   A big welcome to a new group formed with the clear intent to encourage awareness and passion and to ensure that everyone can enjoy themselves in the winter months in the mountains. It ought to represent an unforgettable experience.   The term altitude, by definition, indicates distance from ...
Snowmobile Excursions
Snowmobile Excursions  Madesimo welcomes you with more than 70 kilometres of trails dedicated exclusively to snowmobiles. A vast snow-laden parkland awaits within which you can head off on guided excursions or on audacious independent outings, incorporating dinners in refuges on high, whilst of course always ...
Pizzo Badile in wintertime
Just outside Chiavenna, heading towards Val Bregaglia the profile of mountain with a capital M looms large on the horizon. The North West wall of Pizzo Badile -unmistakeable for its imposing beauty. Each season it presents a quite different and yet always special challenge. Living rock in summertime, a massive grey ...
Madesimo with winter on the horizon
The popular Alpine resort sets out once again all its many skiing and holiday proposals alongside genuine local colour and all just a stone’s throw from the Lombardy capital. In fact it’s a mere two hour drive before you’ll find yourself kitted out and ready to climb aboard the underground express hurtling you – in ...
A passion for the freshness of snows
A passion for the freshness of snows?   Check out your awareness of which are the key tools to keep you safe when going off-piste on skis, snowboard or telemark. Off-piste skiing is not straightforward, Snow conditions away from the standard piste are invariably changeable and you really need to know how to adapt ...
Pure magic
Pure magic    The mountains have finally abandoned their autumn shades and adopted the purest of winter mantles. The little streets of Madesimo have come alive again and the ski slopes are awash with the would-be sportive of all shapes and sizes. There are a host of events to look forward to in this most ...
Madepark: bigger, better, crazier!
Right on cue for the winter season Madesimo reveals new initiatives within its much appreciated Snowpark. The area devoted to thrills, spills and acrobatics has been hugely expanded almost tripling the original space available and incorporating a range of new facilities. Excellent news for visitors looking for bigger ...
Fly with us heliski in Vallespluga
La nostra proposta di Heliski vuole regalare a tutti i partecipanti delle Emozioni che possono nascere sciando dei pendii vergini lontani dalle Sky Aree. Lontani dalle piste e lontani dalla routine. Our Heliski offer wants to give at all the participants the emotions of skiing on the virgin slopes far from the Ski ...
Ski Rental
Noleggio sci ad un passo dalle piste.   Lo sci è una disciplina appassionante che può essere declinata in un’infinità di forme e modi. C’è chi ama le curve strette, chi i bordi lunghi e rotondi, chi predilige la neve fresca e infine chi ama surfare tra ...
Snowboard passion
If you weren’t already aware – Valchiavenna’s just up the road from Milan and in winter opens up all sorts of snow-orientated possibilities whilst cradling you in the arms of a wild and unspoilt Nature. Right here you can leave everyday stresses well behind and devote yourself entirely to the peace and ...
High as a kite
Constant wind, a kite, a pair of skis or a board and bags of fresh snow. That’s all anyone needs to practise snow-kiting, an exhilarating discipline which for some years now has been taking the Alpine arc by storm, including the Valle Spluga region. I began to ride the snow towed along by my kite some years ago ...
Flying high in Vallespluga
Winter’s at the door and there’s always something new taking off in the upper mountains of Valle Spluga. Take speedriding. This new adventure has rather crept up on us over the last couple of years but has now become a considerable force within our Alpine corner. Acquarela, alongside SpeedSpiritMadesimo with Luca ...
Tanto divertimento per i più piccoli
Baby park “Larici” Il Park è situato a ridosso dell’omonimo rifugio, all’arrivo della cabinovia che parte da Madesimo. Un comodo tapis roulant trasporta i bimbi e gli accompagnatori in vetta alla pista, nel massimo della sicurezza.  A pochi metri invece troverete il Ristoro ...
Fat bikes to the fore
In Alpine areas there’s a new cr aze with a view to enjoying the mountains with a verv e and passion within a rather different discipline. It goes under the name of Fat-bike, and represents the latest trend to consume the Alpine regions during the winter season. Anyone who hangs around specialist fairs or shops ...
Free ride a Madesimo
When I contact Martin Soderqvist, he’s in rather a different environment than I expect – there are children in the background equally interested in his attention. He’s on domestic duties at home in Sweden – just outside Gothenburg in fact – but nevertheless very much considering his global winter appointments that he ...
The Canalone
It is possible to present a ski-run as an artistic work, without resorting tom dull prose? I think it is: If you were to fly over it in a helicopter, it would look like one of those ordinary gullies which cross these mountains, and nothing to boats of in a any way as extraordinary or magnificent. If, however, you went ...
Ski excursion on high: Val Loga
The southern peak of Val Loga, at Montespluga is a favourite with ski excursionists and comes highly recommended because of the magnificent views within a particularly striking Alpine environment. The peak forms a veritable ‘jewel’ in the crown which dominates the basin in which the village of Montespluga sits. Val ...
Telemark: a natural elegance
Ski slopes accommodate all sorts of shapes and styles. Fluid and invariably arching gently. Enthusiasts of free heel skiing though talk excitedly about a particular historic and yet increasingly popular form: telemark. So what’s it all about? A discipline simply involving sliding along which was ‘discovered’ ...
The Flying Circus in back
Acquarela is a seriously complex Kaleidoscopic observation platform for observing the diversity of the human condition. But at the same time it’s a sort of ideal, albeit make-believe, world. A short circuit of alternate energy, the ebb and flow of Alpine conscience, a meeting place for small cuddly bears; all in all a ...
Fraciscio a genuine Alpine heaven
What intrigues the first-time visitor to Fraciscio in winter, a small village at 1300m, just above Campodolcino, is its rather isolated nature, somewhat hidden away compared to the more classic destinations for tourists within Valle Spluga. On the right flank of the valley as you climb up, the village is regarded as ...
Keeping the flame alive
Italo, Fabio, Nicolò. And if we add the surname Pedroncelli, thoughts immediately turn to winter sports. Three generations of the very same skiing family, with Nicolò, at just 11, the latest family member to take on the mantle of his grandfather. Italo, born in 1935 became the most illustrious and charismatic of ...
If you form part of that breed of person that dreams of flying down magnificent virgin slopes on skis at break-neck speed, then you’re probably just the type to appreciate the thrills and excitement of eliski. In Valchiavenna, Blossom Experience offers just such opportunities. Trips in helicopters to the most ...

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Informazioni ex art. 1, comma 125, della legge 4 agosto 2017 n. 124
Relativamente agli aiuti di Stato e aiuti de Minimis, si rimanda a quanto contenuto nel
“Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato” di cui all’articolo 52 L. 234/2012 (


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