A 16th century inn representing the original building (Tavern plus two adjoining floors) known as ‘Palàzz’, was rebuilt in 1777 and restored as recently as 2002, becoming the Museum base.
The Museum of the Via Spluga bears splendid witness to local history, featuring documents, works of art and literature regarding the ancient route, its trade and postal history. Among the exhibits are official contracts for transport and commerce dating from the 18th century – including an impressive Daily Ledger of a Chiavenna-based forwarding agent (1752-1768), maps of the period and original printed matter including the complete series of Meyer (Zurich, 1825), Lose (Milan, 1825) and Calvaert and Cole (London 1826) portraying the Spluga and the recently-created road (1822) in historical accounts, literature (il Passo’ sublime’ Erhaben) and artworks by many illustrious travellers (Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus of Rotterdam, Gessner, Goethe, Turner, Einstein among others).
The section dedicated to modes of transport forms part of that devoted to craftsmanship and traditional employment in the valley, among which ‘grapàtt’ (grappa producer), quarrymen, timber working, and wood and iron crafts are prominent.
Especially noteworthy is the faithful reproduction of the environment of the period using authentic materials: a complete 16th/17th century kitchen for example and four ‘stüe’ one of which is decorated and dated 1576, at one time the Local Council base, now devoted to the history and institutions of the valley; of the other three – all 18th century, one is concentrated on the history of Palàzz and Governance, further ones to the Abbot Foppoli, to typical families and characters of the valley.
Other sections are devoted to women at work, childhood games, mountaineering, winter sports, tourism. geology, minerals, environmental issues, plants, archaeology, and an educational studio on the theme of ‘Water Power’.
Roberto Moreschi, master pastry chef from Chiavenna, transforms tradition into art in his laboratory, creating symbolic Italian desserts as ambassadors of taste and ...
A winter ritual
Every year, just as soon as the first snowfalls decorate the mountain tops, there is a long-standing appointment for myself, family and friends: an outing on snowshoes, and ...
Storia della macinazione
Il nostro viaggio nelle terre svizzere dei Grigioni di lingua italiana, ci porta in Val Bregaglia, nel villaggio di Promontogno. Appena pochi chilometri dopo il confine ...
Informazioni ex art. 1, comma 125, della legge 4 agosto 2017 n. 124
Relativamente agli aiuti di Stato e aiuti de Minimis, si rimanda a quanto contenuto nel
“Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato” di cui all’articolo 52 L. 234/2012 (www.rna.gov.it).