The ways of the wayfarer
By definition, a "wayfarer" or rambler is someone who heads out and away from the town on foot in search of more distant parts. A pretty accurate description and one that certainly sits perfectly as far as the spirit with which the proposition of the “Le Vi del Viandante” is promoted, with its itineraries devoted to the modern-day rambler. The format proposes outings dedicated to those who shy away from the hustle and bustle and look for space within Nature. Curious souls, attracted by the history from birth and the development of ancient trade routes, traced over centuries by travelers and pilgrims of the past. Free spirits, with the urge to live in the open, at times in harsh and exceptional natural contexts, but where they can appreciate fresh air and life itself. But the proposals of “Le Vie del Viandante” are also aimed at those who are yet to discover the joys of rambling. Those who are perhaps bored with the standard holiday, and willing to stretch and discover themselves for the first time, enjoying intimate contact with nature all around.
There are as many as 12 propositions making up this fantastic adventure. You can head off from Milan perhaps and follow the river Adda, all along the banks of Lake Como around Lecco, or start from the superbly natural area of the Pian di Spagna and travel the length of Valchiavenna before climbing up along the via Spluga to the foot of the Cardinello gorge, in the footsteps of the pre-Romanesque merchants crossing the Alpine pass. And then of course there&´s Valle Mesolcina, an Italian-speaking part of the swiss Graübunden. Whatever the choice, anyone deciding to embark on one of these journeys will discover unique and very special pathways on which the tie between water and mountain is ever present, and where the path takes time off between a labyrinth of alleys and narrow streets of old village habitations and the exotic gardens of noble villas. An irresistible invitation to wander slowly and explore, fully taking in an experience of well-being, rebirth, history, adventure and the rediscovery of places with authentic origins whose beauty has lingered intact over the ages.
Il sito propone i file dei tracciati georeferenziati, la mappa, la guida, le schede dei luoghi più affascinanti del percorso, tutte le informazioni e i servizi utili per organizzare il viaggio e le strutture ricettive e ristorative qualificate come Operatori del Viandante.
The site throws up geo-referenced files, maps, guides, and fact sheets on the most captivating spots along the route; all information and services useful to organise the trip, and accommodation and catering facilities certified as Operatori del Viandante.