We recommend a gentle stroll towards Alpe Calones in search of an often ovelooked work of art.
Sommarovina: A delightful village awaits along the Valchiavenna hillside at around 1000 metres within the San Giacomo Filippo municipality. Perfect for an autumnal outing. Follow the road that heads up towards Olmo, signposted along the SS36. Park up in the designated area, and within 20 minutes you will easily reach the village on foot. On a natural terrace the breathtaking views from Sommarovina are the equal of any throughout the whole of Valchiavenna. The village overlooks the entire Italian Valbregaglia and Valchiavenna, and the panorama then roams all the way down along the valley floor as far as the Lago di Mezzola.
A further incentive for a trip to Sommarovina has to be to enjoy one of the most interesting and highly original artistic testaments in the area. We’re talking about an 18th century fresco situated high up in the apse and depicting the Last Judgement. The work has been attributed to the Grigione painter Johann Jacob Rieg di Somvix. The painting, which represents a rare example of folk art in the valley, was completely restored in 2008 by Ornella Sterlocchi thanks to a significant contribution from Valchiavenna’s Centre for Historical Studies.
Visitors might also consider heading on upwards to Calones (1400 m); from Sommarovina first double back to Alpe Fontana (1050 m), and the path then climbs up towards the Cigolino peak, along the route that leads to Calones. This point dominates the whole of Valchiavenna and the panorama takes in long stretches towards the Valle Spluga. Magnificent.