Intriguing games and activities along an engaging itinerary for the little ones all come together at Villa di Chiavenna. There’s an expansive maze on a table divided into four coloured sections where the youngsters have to negotiate the way out for their marbles. And a circuit made from wood on which toy cars run. Just two of the games concocted at Villa that form part of the “Via dei giochi” which takes off from the Motta neighbourhood and heads through the centre of the village. The project has blossomed with the support of the local authority, as well as children and parents within the community. The expertise of artisan William Pedroni has proved fundamental, in his direction of the many aspects of this imaginative Project.
The Via dei Giochi has been designed with families in mind, encouraging them to have fun in the open air in a highly-original fashion. The main objective of the itinerary is that of raising the awareness of children within the community with respect to the territory and its distinctive features, as well as promoting Villa’s many historical and cultural resources, bringing them to visitors’ attention through recreation. Teamwork has been the key, and its implementation has involved young and old alike: designing, sanding, colouring, engraving, assembling and generally lending a hand to the artisan woodworker in all his industry. The contribution of the children alongside parents and teachers, was an important factor in the choice of favoured games from among those in fashion decades ago. And so it came about. Tables and accessories for the Tris and Tangram, Dominoes, tracks for the marbles and much much more. Lots of hard work and two years in the making. But now repaid many times over given the satisfaction evident in those who have already enjoyed the finished article. It’s always worth visiting Villa di Chiavenna in Autumn.
And now along with the diverse outings taking you to little hamlets situated half-way up the valley side, a close-knit Valchiavenna community hugging the Swiss border boasts a new initiative with the capacity to intrigue and engage both children and their parents.