Täglich geöffnet:
Montag, Mittwoch e Sonntag: 9-12.30
Freitag: 15.00-18.00
Samstag: 9-12.30, 15.00-18.00
Diestag und Donnerstag: geshlossen
Forgotten fruitsOlder farmers will remember the variety well enough. They would often come across red cobs in the cornfields of the Valchiavenna plain between Gordona and Samolaco. Instantly recognizable for its ruby-coloured grains and a pointed "beak" that scratched hands which were twisting the cob to release the grains destined for grinding. Thanks to a project launched in 2015 which has occupied the Faculty of Botany of the University of Pavia alongside the local Comunità montana, today that one-of-a-kind corn has a name: “Rostrato Rosso della ...
How is a tradition passed down
[lesen sie mehr] Flavors of autumn
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Keeping an eye on the ryeLocated at the very heart of the Alps, the Chiavenna Pastificio has always been identified as a point of reference in the vast panorama of food tradition and innovation. Founded in 1868, the company is dedicated passionately to pasta production, and significantly for its use of ingredients that combine tradition and ... |
New local brand for the Val BregagliaFROM HENCEFORTH PRODUCTS OF SWISS BREGAGLIA CAN BOAST A NEW TRADEMARK OF ORIGIN, RESERVED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THOSE PRODUCED IN ITS MUNICIPAL AREA. THE BREGAGLIA BRAND NO LESS. In Bregaglia a whole microcosm of agri-food, artisan, and even cosmetic production flourishes yet which up to press has led a rather ... |
The taste of summer in the scent of raspberriesSummer is my favourite season in which to enjoy our home in the mountains. Not only to take advantage of a warm climate and to breathe fresh air instead of the heat of the city, but also for the chance to spend time immersed in nature. Whenever time and commitments allow, I get in the car and head towards Vho, my ... |
Grass fed Black AngusFor some years now a breeding farm in Valchiavenna based exclusively on grass feeding without the use of antibiotic, hormones and GMO&´s has been following a family tradition. It&´s a story of passion. Fabio Braga is 42. Today he runs a successful start-up that within a few years of its launch has become a reference ... |
Dandelion omeletteThe simplest of ideas taking full advatage of the most common wild plant in spring, whit a wealth of properties. Known as "Dandelion", for others the "Yellow star" or even "dandelion clock". Name apart, the dandelion - in latin Taraxacum officinale - is the most common flower/plant in ... |
Aperitif with sciattHere&´s how to prepare crunchy croquettestyle balls of melted cheese and buckwheat flour, perfect to accompany a summer aperitif. Round, golden, tasty and crunchy. "Sciatt" are a real speciality of Valtellina cuisine, which in summer are much appreciated as delicious appetizers accompanied by well-structured red ... |
One of Valchiavenna gemsA handful of habitations nestling on an expanse of green, surrounded by larch and fir woodland, crossed by the Liro torrent: introducing Vho, where I spent wonderful childhood holidays and continue to celebrate even today. The beauty and tranquility of the place can be enjoyed all year round, but especially at the ... |
Honey"A Mediterranean touch in an alpine valley" In Valchiavenna, honey, of unmistakable purity, comes from the typical flora of the area, where rich blossoms give their product to bees throughout the eseason. The Lake of Como, mitigating the climate, allows the most typical mediterranean scents to settle down, giving ... |
Sets the trendThe “Gin Giüst” phenomenon took off at the beginning of the year. Initially perhaps a little muted; a limited edition Christmas present reserved for a few. Then rapidly as a genuine must have for its many devotees. A success waiting to happen perhaps, given that it follows precisely the route forecast by the ... |
In tune with traditionViolino di Capra from Valchiavenna is one of those products that are consumed above all in the cold season. They act as a stimulant for conviviality and represent handsomely that sense of sociability which embodies the very real “school of humanity” of the crotti. But Violino di Capra is anything but a simple cured ... |
Destinazione bresaola"Destinazione bresaola" è un progetto del Consorzio di tutela Bresaola della Valtellina, dedicato a tutti coloro che sentono il desiderio di organizzare un momento di "rigenerazione" scegliendo la Valtellina come meta delle loro vacanze per un viaggio tra esperienze enogastronomiche, natura ... |
LorenzoFor three generatiions, the De Stefani family has been producing honey of the very highest quality which they sell to local shops. The history of Lorenzo&´s honey has distant origins, since 1930 in fact, and his paternal grandparents Luigi and Lina. It was they who set up the beekeeping business with ... |
Violino Ziegenfleisch aus dem Valchiavenna Tal„Violino“ Ziegenfleisch aus dem Valchiavenna Tal „VIOLINO“: es handelt sich um einen Schinken, der aus der Keule oder dem Schulterfleisch der Ziege besteht. Der Schinken wird nach Traditionsart aufgeschnitten, indem er wie das gleichnamige Musikinstrument, die Violine, an die Schulter gebracht wird und zum ... |
Typische WurstwarenBresaola aus dem Veltliner Tal I.G.P. (geschützte Geographie-Identifikation) und „Brisaola“ aus dem Valchiavenna Tal Diese Ernährung bildet das Ergebnis der Erfahrung unserer Bergeinwohner. Sie ist eine äußerst einfache Speise aber birgt in sich eine weise Sorgfalt, die notwendig ist, um diese kostbaren ... |
Hermau vini biologiciCantina vini, agriturismo b&b Ca´ Pianazòla Un luogo speciale immerso tra i vigneti terrazzati di Pianazzola. Da qui, una vista incantevole sulla Valchiavevenna e la Val Bregaglia. Nel 2012, dopo anni a peregrinare per cantine e vigneti di tutto il mondo, ho deciso di produrre un vino ... |
Typische KäseortenLand der Geschmäcke „Die Molkereikäsesorten und die Bergkäse bilden das Kennzeichen unserer Täler, die mit dem ausgezeichneten einheimischen Butter zusammen, die Qualitätszutaten für die Vorbereitung der typischen Speisen bilden. Der Reifungsvorgang, der für die meisten Käsesorten den längsten und schwierigsten ... |
Where the Cheese hangs outIn the crotto at San Giovanni in Chiavenna, Eleonora and Sofia reveal the fine arts of cheese maturation which has made their business a local flag-bearer. Maturation represents an essential step in the highly complex and structured process of cheese production. It’s a delicate phase ... |
BeerBetween 1820 and ´30, the first breweries started up together with cotton mills in Chiavenna, giving birth to the local industry. When Valchiavenna belonged to the Austrian Lombardo -Veneto Reign, Austrian craftsmen opened their factories in the area inspired by good air and water as well as by famous crotti, perfect ... |
Typische Süssspeisen„Man könnte annehmen, dass die Süßspeisen eine Nebenrolle spielen. In Wirklichkeit aber hat das Talent der Menschen dazu geführt die natürlichen Zutaten, die zur Verfügung stehen, bestens zu benutzen, um die Bedürfnisse der Schlemmer befriedigen zu können. Für all diese Süßspeisen wird Mehl dazu benutzt. In der ... |
I Grapat della Val San GiacomoFino alla meta dell’ottocento gli abitanti della valle di S.Giacomo, più che dallo scarso allevamento e agricoltura, traevano sostentamento dal trasporto delle merci. Quella dei "porten" era, infatti, un’associazione italo - grigiona di corrieri. Dopo l’apertura dei trafori ... |
Patate di StarleggiaStarleggia è una frazione di Campodolcino che, collocata sul versante destro della valle in posizione panoramica, si trova a 1565 m di quota su uno dei ripiani minori sotto la grande scarpata rocciosa che tronca a Est il Pian dei Cavalli e la piana di San Sisto. Da qui si gode un bel panorama sul Pizzo Stella, ... |
Nuova area degustazioneNella cantina storica di Mese in Valchiavenna Nuova area degustazione, davanti al crotto presso il ristorante di famiglia Crotasc. 16 vini tra cui scegliere, comprese vecchie annate Scopri le nuove proposte sul sito! Dal mercoledì alla domenica Dalle ore 10.30 alle ... |
Highlights: Spezialangebote, events, news |